Welcome to Battles Beneath the Stars, a webserial styled like the guide and script of a non existent fighting game. If you’re new to this story, be sure to start at the prologue, from there each character’s story branches into its own version of events, so you won’t need to read anyone else’s story to follow this one. And if you just want other parts of the newsletter you can adjust which segments you receive here.
Last time Erlingr was able to advance by beating Aodh, but he had little patience for Hákon’s concern about the bigger picture with Erlingr as a slave. And he also had a mysterious dream telling him to leave the tournament.
| Prologue/Introduction | | Table of Contents | Profiles | Non-Gamer Primer |
Open on ???
Erlingr: This again. Just come out and say who you are.
?: You know my name.
Erlingr: No I don’t.
Erlingr: What happens if I don’t go to the Forest of Fog?
?: You remain weak and ignorant.
Erlingr: I’m not weak.
?: Only in body.
The fog fills up the screen.
Transition to Grand Festival Hub
Erlingr walks across the stage, Runa is on his path.
Erlingr: Hello Lady Runa, I hope your husband does well in this round.
Runa: So do I. But I’m not here to ensure what’s already certain. Be honest, what you want?
Erlingr: (No point acting around her, that will just draw this out.)
Erlingr: To fight well. I may not enjoy the way the arena has me put on a show, but it’s still fighting. There are worse fates for me. And eventually ending up as a thrall-consort wouldn’t be so bad.
Runa: Erlingr, listen to me as someone who used to be an enslaved entertainer. You are not immune to the tricks they use to shape us into exactly what people will pay for, they find their way inside your mind and they don’t leave.
Runa: Even after I was freed, even now, there are times I struggle to tell if something is my own desire or a remnant of my conditioning. It took me far too long to realize my love for Hákon was my own.
Runa: They haven’t fully sunk in for you yet, but you’re like a fish too certain they’ve found food to notice the hook in their mouth and let go. You need to get out before you forget who you are.
Erlingr: I have no desire to leave, and it would not be proper for me to do so.
Runa: Those who violate the rights of thralls may lose the thrall in question. All you need is to speak the truth Hákon and I already worked out, and your freedom is yours.
Erlingr: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Runa: Yes you do.
Erlingr: Either way I need to get to my next match.
Erlingr runs off-screen.
Runa: I’m not letting anyone get away with calling Hákon foolish after having to endure that. It’s time I settle this myself.
Exploration Start
There’s a bit more light platforming to do to reach your destination, enough to cut into the amount of time you have to explore and practice. By this point you should have an idea of what you might want to practice as you make your way to the next fight,
Expectant Spectator: This upcoming fight could be intense, since Erlingr is from Brytholm and Walakea is from Hirzen. Plenty of bad blood there.
Annoyed Noble: When is Erlingr finally going up for auction? I’d love to get my hands on him.
Music Enjoyer: Its so strange that the singer I used to enjoy listening to is married to one of the most powerful men on the isles. I can’t believe the rumors Runa hasn’t sung once since being freed.
When you’re ready, keep going right and get off-screen before the timer runs out.
Exploration End
Transition to Yazen
The stage is located in the canals of a city with snow falling in the background. A large flat roofed pyramid is the standout landmark. The fighting takes place on a gondola with a roofed section in the back.
Erlingr and Walakea stand at opposite ends of the stage.
Walakea: I suppose this fight was inevitable given the history between our lands, but I can’t take too much pleasure in fighting a slave.
Erlingr: Fighting is my life. I don’t need your sympathy, foreigner.
Walakea: Is that what you think? Or is that what you were ordered to say?
Erlingr: I don’t need orders to hate self righteous foreigners looking down on me. You Hirzeni get so self righteous about that occupation none living remember, but your hands aren’t clean with what you did once it was over.
Erlingr: We don’t kill even in war, you killed people simply for being one of us.
Walakea: There are things worse than death, you’re not as noble as you delude yourself into thinking just because you never deal a killing blow. Your morality is both childish and depraved.
Walakea: And occupation? That’s how you retell it? We prefer the description ‘conquest and enslavement.’ You did more than occupy space, you desecrated it.
Walakea: Any sympathy I feel for what Hákon told me of your plight is gone now. Prepare yourself.
Erlingr: Good, because I don’t need him spreading pity for me. I’m proud to serve my master. My great ancestor Brynjarr was a thrall, so I don’t have any shame in being one. Now let’s get to the real battle.
Erlingr: (And I’ll need to finish this with one of my strongest attacks per master’s orders. That may be tricky, but I can’t fail here.)
Battle Start
Special Condition: Finish with a super move.
The boat you’re on will move constantly at a slow and steady pace, so if you jump up straight it will keep moving below you. Sometimes more platforms will appear, but the stage will leave them behind, so don’t stay on them for too long.
Walakea is the sort of fighter who wants to get right in your face, so it may be difficult to find time to meditate. Aside from that however you do well at the same range, so you can just go all out and sneak in meditation when you knock down or launch Walakea.
In general this is a matter of who can get in first and keep up their offense. Be defensive at first until you have an opening to safely attack, since your own mistakes will get heavily punished here.
The first of Walakea’s supers is Eight Pronged Assault, where he does four attacks, then slips behind the opponent for another four, forcing you to change which way you are blocking. You’ll likely fall for it the first time even with this warning, but that will help you figure out the timing of changing up your guard.
Metal Upper on the other hand/tentacle is a powerful anti-air move, so don’t be too eager to jump around Walakea when he has the meter to do this move. But if you’re positioned right you can sneak in quick air attacks easily by using the stage’s movement.
You’ll want to keep your own super moves in reserve so you can close out the fight with them. Once he’s at low health, try to get Walakea in the air so you can hit him with Phantom Combination. A Thousand Punches is riskier with how easily Walakea can disrupt the start up.
It might take some stalling, but since they hit so hard, a super move at low health should have no problem clearing out the round and letting you progress.
Battle End
Erlingr and Walakea are back at round start positions.
Erlingr: No wonder Hirzen got conquered if this is how you people fight.
Walakea: Of all the people to lose to…
Walakea: I will apologize for only one thing, mistaking you for someone worth speaking with. I will not waste further breath on someone who willingly tightens the chains on himself.
Walakea leaves.
Erlingr: I’m fine as I am. I don’t need anyone’s help or pity.
Chapter END
Note from the Author: Runa is one of the non fighters I’m always excited to write, her lines about identifying her own desires were one of the key images coming into this story. I also knew going in that Walakea’s closing line to Erlingr would appear either here or in Walakea’s own story, or both. So I’m happy to have those showcased now.
Next chapter is when things are going to get especially interesting, so look forward to it.
| Prologue/Introduction | Table of Contents | Profiles | Non-Gamer Primer |