Despite being something of a Nintendo fanboy (and unashamedly so, to the extent that I have a Legend of Zelda tattoo), I'll confess that I have never heard of Radiant Historia. I am however definitely going to make use of the writing prompts!

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Oh it's merely a game on Nintendo systems, rather than one Nintendo had an active hand in. Though Nintendo does have a good list of lesser known games on the DS and 3DS, stuff that never got much attention and as such would be easy to miss. Also glad to hear the prompts interested you.

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Remake wise, one I wasn't crazy about was redoing The Absent-Minded Professor as Flubber. Same with That Darn Cat replacing Hayley Mills with Christina Ricci. I figure you shouldn't mess with the classics.

Time travel wise, either Avengers Endgame or Douglas Adams' Hitchhikers' Guide series.

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I feel like movies have a much higher rate of newer editions being poorly received, movie remakes don't tend to get looked on fondly as a whole.

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