I like your detailed thoughts, I've certainly had my own impressions, desires, and speculative notions about the Switch 2. A marque Zelda game has occurred to me, but I wonder, what with Tears of the Kingdom being so recent, will we get a new game so soon, or are we more likely to get a remastered version?

A new marque Mario game, something like Odyssey, that could be a possibility. The new Mario Kart will definitely grab my attention. Like you, I am somewhat ambivalent about new Pokemon.

I guess we will all learn more come the 2nd of April!

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Yeah in the past Zelda games have only been launch titles when they were originally designed for earlier consoles, Twilight Princess for Gamecube/Wii and Breath of the Wild for Wii U/ Switch. So I think it will take time for the system's mainline Zelda to appear with Tears and Echoes so recent.

Now that I think about it, it has been sometime since the last big 3D Mario game even if you count Bowser's Fury, and it does tend to be an early system release I think. So maybe we'll see it fairly soon.

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