Good discussion of mythology and overview of Aztec Gods. I found it very interesting and now want to look into the background. By the way, are you familiar with Daniel Pinchbeck's work? He has a Substack and wrote about the Return of Quetzalcoatl a few years ago.

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Thank you. It looks like that book is more about the 2012 apocalypse theories than actual Mesoamerican myth, so it does not interest me personally. When it comes to Quetzalcoatl I still have Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl: Once and Future Lord of the Toltecs, waiting to be read.

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In my novella, I used quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochtli , and Mixcoatl as three of the dieties, with the other four being from old europe.

I used the premise that on the original world, they had been misunderstood and bastardized, and in the new world, they were allowed to be who they were supposed to be. As gods should be, they do care of their followers and only want the best for them.

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I like that premise. People online don't often talk about Mixcoatl I find, though I haven't done any looking into him in particular, a little too specialized in Tezcatlipoca at the moment. What were the other gods?

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Chantico, whoops, make that four aztec/mesoamerican gods. Dispoina, and Ananke, and a purpose created goddess of the moon (nikal), and A' Mathair Astinmah (The world's creator)

In my most recent "A broken woman's true desire," I created an Ancient God of Chaos which I hadn't named when I was writing the story, but is going to become Apophis.

I'm working my way towards Apophis getting invited to the gods realm and him being worried, because he adopted the thought that he was evil. Before the end of the story, the Creator goddess A' Mathair will explain to him that Chaos is not Evil. It's just natural change. As chaos is not inherently evil, and in a world of balance, there must things that prompt change.

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I feel that Apophis may not be the best chaotic figure to invoke for that, Egyptian religion has him as a strictly negative force. Though if I understand right, this is an original character who assumes that name rather than the Apophis, enemy of Ra? Then I think that could work. Though of course it's your story so your decision.

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