Welcome to the Warthog Report.

Here you’ll find both fantasy writing and nonfiction writing about the interests that shape my fantasies.

About the writer and writing.

I love writing and sharing my writing, so I’ve been doing it since a young age and even majored in creative writing at college. Video games are another medium I have a long relationship with, one where I’ve found myself appreciating pieces of story in video games oft overlooked by others.

Both of these come together in Battles Beneath the Stars, an ongoing biweekly serial fiction project styled as a script and guide for a video game I’ve dreamed of making, letting me combine video game narrative techniques with my writing skills. It follows an international tournament in a fantasy world where the ambitions of fourteen fighters collide. You can follow it in the section fittingly entitled ‘Battles Beneath the Stars.’

In addition I have fiction writing here that doesn’t fit into a serial, generally more traditional prose than what you see in Battles Beneath the Stars. Those can be found within the ‘Misc Fiction’ section. I have no schedule for when new additions arrive to it, they are neither early nor late, debuting when the time is right.

If it’s non-fiction you want to read, the path forks once again. On the second Tuesday of the month, I share an introduction to something I enjoy. These are sorted to the section of ‘Let Me Talk To You About,’ as that’s the impulse that drives them.

On the fourth Tuesday of a month, I discuss any subject I wish to. Often this will be about storytelling, video games, mythology, or any combination of them. If you are familiar with me or my stories that range of subjects is unsurprising. They’re united under the title of ‘The Warthog Blog.’

What can readers do?

A key part of sharing something is the response it gets, so comments are treasured. If you are hesitating to comment because you don’t think the comment is good enough, I’d rather have a ‘bad’ comment than none. Another thing I’d deeply appreciate is sharing my work in whatever way you can. That is a form of support in itself.

Speaking of support, if you’d like to give the Warthog Report funds and further incentive to continue, you can sign up for a paid subscription. There is no exclusive benefit to this, just my gratitude. A free subscription is all you need to get the full catalog of the Warthog Report.

Fanworks Policy

I am in favor of fanworks based on my fiction, as I am a fanfiction author myself.

Other creatives who’d like to use elements from my stories in their non-fanwork creations can simply contact me at warthog-report-at-substack-.com (delete all instances of ‘-’ and replace the at with the dedicated symbol for it).

Thank you for reading this. I hope you enjoy my writing.

-William F. Edwards

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Fantasy writing and writing about stories in all their forms.


I have a lot of thoughts about fictional worlds, sometimes ones that I made, sometimes ones other people made.