Welcome to the Monthly Report feature of the Warthog Report, where I go over what I published here in the past month and plans for the current month.
This month went full circle from finally having some time to dedicate to writing to ending on a rather busy note that still has yet to let up, but at least this time I was able to make space for fiction despite everything.
Erlingr’s story is the most unique of the stories in Battles Beneath the Stars, so I’m glad to have it underway. With fourteen stories to tell it helps to have certain patterns to keep things under control, and so that deviations from the formula can make things feel fresh, and Erlingr’s strays from it the most.
Last Month ‘Let Me Talk To You About’ got used for its main purpose of talking about niche video games, in this case a game about reality TV and dark secrets. Writing about it was interesting due to how mixed my feelings on it are, while usually I’m fully on board with the things I recommend here.
The general blog post ended up also being about video games, but much more popular ones since its about Nintendo and the start of a new generation of Nintendo games with the Switch 2. You’d be surprised how much discussion material I can wring out of one of the most bare bones console announcements I’ve seen.
Looking to the upcoming month, I expect things to gradually clear up schedule wise and thus let me focus more on writing. I’ve been gearing up for somewhat of a big change, but won’t discuss it here until everything for it has been settled.
That’s all for now, thank you for reading.