Welcome to the Monthly Report feature of the Warthog Report, where I go over what I published here in the past month and plans for the current month. And here we are at the beginning of a new year.
Last month I was not able to publish any fiction due to the hectic holidays, despite wanting to get Erlingr’s story started. I’m taking the lesson from this and other events in 2024 that I need to be more willing to call out breaks for the newsletter. Not going to give any estimate for Erlingr’s story beginning in earnest aside from the fact that it won’t be tomorrow.
I was able to keep up with the non-fiction at least. Such as writing about White Christmas to celebrate its 70th anniversary. There are a lot of Christmas media I’d like to write about, but they’re a little too good of a fit for December to post on other months.
My initial plans for the December blog post fell apart since I decided I needed to live out the subject matter of my planned subject some more before writing about it, so I pivoted to doing a recap of the entire year and talking about plans for the future stretching beyond even 2025.
As for what’s coming this month, I’m hoping that January will prove calmer than December, but I do have one important task I need to complete this month that will lead to even more work if successful. I’ll let you all know when it becomes an actual factor in the publication schedule.
Also I’d like to close out this post by wishing you not just a happy new year, but a happy public domain day as well.