Welcome to the Monthly Report feature of the Warthog Report, where I go over what I published here in the past month and plans for the current month.
March is the anniversary month of the Warthog Report, so I decided to put out a new edition of the anniversary survey. This is a quick way to check in with readers while giving them a level of anonymity.
Now to go over what was posted in February, we’re nearing the end of Erlingr’s story in Battles Beneath the Stars. The most recent chapter has some elements to it I really enjoyed working in that set it apart from the other character stories.
I also wrote about Northern Tails, a puppet show about the Canadian Boreal Forest that I enjoyed. Since posting it I’ve seen some official posts mentioning an incoming second season, which I’m looking forward to. I’m hoping it has an episode on eagles, that’d be a fun way to build on the running gag of an eagle snatching up one of the ground squirrels.
After what feels like quite a while, I finally did another mythology focused post, this time on the Mesopotamian demon king Pazuzu. He’s a fascinating figure. Would like to do more of these kinds of posts highlighting mythical figures who are either overlooked or misused.
Outside of things for the newsletter, I also contribute to some wikis for fighting games. I got the Merfight wiki fully operational, it has no dead page links now. Still needs all the images and has plenty of remaining placeholder text, but its a key milestone to me at least. Also got back around to building a neocities website.
Looking ahead to this month, I’m excited for this month’s edition of Let Me Talk To You About. It’s about something that I’ve been wanting to write about for months now, but needed a fuller experience of. And at the end of the month there may be a new short story, one that’s a crossover.
That’s all for now, thank you for reading.